42 pages 1 hour read

Cynthia DeFelice


Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1990

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Essay Topics


The novel examines the Fraught Morals of a Lethal Status Quo. In other words, the characters grapple with difficult ideas of right and wrong. How do the Fowlers demonstrate their principles? Identify moments when they and Ezra decouple themselves from America’s violent, deadly policies toward Indigenous people, and pick out scenes where they accept complicity.


Pa says, “We didn’t think much about the Shawnees and how they got pushed out to make room for us. It was just the way of things” (79). How does Pa’s quote compromise his moral standing? Why didn’t Pa and Ma “think much about the Shawnees”? Connect his quote to a contemporary example. What current belief systems allow people to ignore or not “think much about” specific kinds of human suffering?


Weasel is a work of historical fiction, so it’s based on real-life history. How does DeFelice use history to bring the story to life? Is her version of events accurate? What does she accurately depict, and what does she leave out or misrepresent? Use specific examples from the text to support your answer.