44 pages 1 hour read

Barbara Smucker

Underground To Canada

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1978

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Chapters 9-12Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 9 Summary

While on the Hensen plantation, Julilly and the other slaves had enjoyed singing and dancing on Saturday nights. However, on the Riley plantation these festivities were strictly forbidden.

Having promised to run away with her, Julilly now feels very close to Liza. Lester signals to Julilly that they must speak. When they meet behind a tree, Lester reveals to Julilly that Mr. Ross is trying to help slaves escape to Canada. He instructs her to listen for a bird call that night and to meet him at the same tree. Julilly reveals to Liza that they will soon meet with Lester and Mr. Ross, and Liza is excited to have their help.

That night, Julilly and Liza meet with Lester, Mr. Ross, and a few other slaves in Piney Woods. Mr. Ross reveals that he has been helping slaves escape from various plantations and is wanted as a “Negro thief” in Tennessee. He tells Julilly and the others that their journey will be risky and difficult, and that life in Canada will still have hardships. Mr. Ross asks everyone to keep their plans a secret and says he will continue to give Lester instructions throughout the next week of bird hunting.