66 pages 2 hours read

M. L. Wang

The Sword of Kaigen

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2019

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Chapters 22-26Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 22 Summary: “The Soldiers”

Content Warning: This section contains references to sexual assault and suicidal ideation.

Kaigenese and Yammanka troops arrive at Takayubi under the command of Colonel Song. Song is northern Kaigenese like Chul-hee, and he speaks to Takeru with dismissive condescension, ordering him to have his people collect all the dead and bring them to the destroyed numu village. Takeru is horrified that the colonel wishes to take not only the dead Ranganese attackers but also their own dead, for this will deny the families a chance to mourn and give their loved ones a proper burial. However, when Song pulls rank and reminds Takeru of his loyalty to the Empire, Takeru relents.

Song orders his men to start with Mamoru’s body, which is lying in state in the family compound. Numbly, Takeru retrieves Mamoru’s sword before allowing the men to carry the body away. Misaki screams and objects, trying to stop the men, but Takeru hits her to quiet her, horrifying Kazu, who watches nearby. Takeru says it is a shame that his son’s sword had no name, but Katashi insists that the sword’s name is now Mamoriken, meaning The Protector. Takeru nods, then orders Misaki to stop her disgraceful behavior and remain silent until he wishes her to speak.