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Protagonist Oliver Bacon is rich and successful yet dissatisfied with his life. He is “the richest jeweller in England” (249) and has a reputation that makes him sought after by upper-class clientele. The story follows Oliver as he completes his morning routine, walks to work, and meets an important client, the Duchess of Lambourne. Though Oliver projects an air of confidence and success, the reader is privy to his internal thoughts and feelings, which reveal a more complex reality.
Oliver is of an undisclosed age, and he lives in Green Park in the very center of London. His business is off Bond Street, a luxury shopping district. The city of London, a favorite literary device of Woolf’s, acts as an indicator of Oliver’s wealth and position in society. His success is underscored by the fact he receives invitations to call from “duchesses, countesses, viscountesses and Honorable Ladies” (248). These people belong to the nobility, representing the “old money” of inherited land and wealth. By contrast, Oliver represents the “new money” of commerce—an increasingly important sector of English society in the early 20th century.
Through hard work, but also nefarious dealings, Oliver has escaped poverty, As a child, he was “a wily astute little boy” (250), and his shrewdness and ambition have led to his success. Nevertheless, Oliver remains “a sad man, a dissatisfied man, a man who seeks something that is hidden. (249). The narrative hints at loneliness and lost love when Oliver reflects, “Mademoiselle had married Mr. Pedder of the local brewery—no one stuck roses in his buttonhole now” (250). He is also driven by an insatiable craving for something bigger and better just out of his reach. Oliver is figuratively compared to a hog forever sniffing for “another truffle, a blacker, a bigger further off” (249)
Oliver’s association with hogs is underlined by his family name, Bacon. This emphasis on his acquisitiveness highlights the theme of Materialism and Greed. While his flat reflects his mood, Oliver really comes alive when playing power games with the Duchess. This is demonstrated when he makes her “wait his pleasure” (251), underlining his power despite his lower-class status. In the confines of his office, he is her equal. Oliver’s interactions with the Duchess are deeply ambivalent reflecting class conflict and distrust but also mutual need.
He immediately doubts the authenticity of the pearls the Duchess offers him, privately questioning whether they are real. Yet when the Duchess invites him to a long weekend at her country house, with the promise of royalty, the prime minister, and the woman he loves, he cannot resist the opportunity. When Oliver buys the pearls, his investment is not in the gems but in the socioeconomic advancement opportunities the weekend might bring. Like the Duchess, he takes a gamble, not on the pearls but on the “truffle” of the long weekend. His decision speaks to the themes of Authenticity Versus Deceit and Social Climbing and Class. Though he asks his mother’s forgiveness as he is aware she would view the deal as foolish, his declaration that “it is to be a long week-end” affirms his choice (253).
The Duchess of Lambourne is an imposing presence. She forcefully impresses herself onto the rooms she enters, “filling the door, filling the room with the aroma, the prestige, the arrogance, the pomp, the pride of all the Dukes and Duchesses” (252). Taking command of the space, she carries herself with the self-assurance of her inherited privilege. Her presence is figuratively compared to a breaking “wave.” The Duchess’s clothes are sumptuous, but gaudy, conveyed in a riot of overwhelming detail including, “sparkling bright colours, green, rose, violet; and odours; and iridescences; and rays shooting from fingers, nodding from plumes, flashing from silk” (251). However, the Duchess’s grandiose air is undermined by the description of her as “very large, very fat, tightly girt in pink taffeta, and past her prime” (252). The “prestige, the arrogance, the pomp” with which she carries herself stems from an accident of birth meaning that her privilege is unearned and unmerited (252).
In her private interactions with Oliver, the Duchess discards the public persona of “her Grace.” She appears to show vulnerability as she cries, claiming to Oliver, “You have all my secrets” (252). However, the comparison of her tears to “diamonds” suggests a hard and brilliant quality to her show of distress. In persuading Oliver to buy the pearls, the Duchess reveals herself to be his match. Though from the upper classes, she too is wily and a worthy counterpart to the self-made Oliver.
Once the Duchess holds the signed check, her pompous public persona returns as she “open[s] all the flounces of the parasol, all the plumes of the peacock” (253). The narrator notes that “she held her honour—a Cheque for twenty thousand pounds with his signature—quite firmly in her hands” (253). The observation suggests the Duchess has exchanged her honor for a price.
Oliver’s love interests are more symbols than fully developed characters and are only mentioned briefly. Nevertheless, they reveal important aspects of things about Oliver’s character. Mademoiselle, a figure from Oliver’s past who features in his recollections, is one of these love interests. Despite this past intimacy, she is not given a name. Her French title, “mademoiselle,” suggests an unmarried woman. Oliver recalls her at his previous home in an attractive part of London outside of the city: “And he had a villa at Richmond, overlooking the river, with trellises of red roses; and Mademoiselle used to pick one every morning and stick it in his buttonhole” (249).
The repetition of picking the rose “every morning” and the intimacy of Mademoiselle placing it in his buttonhole suggests a loving relationship. She is associated with the riches of the natural world, the beauty of roses—typically a symbol of love—contrasting with the materialistic trappings of Oliver’s current life. Later in the story, Oliver’s observation of Spring leaves on a tree outside his office, reminds him of Mademoiselle’s marriage to Mr. Pedder. This suggests Oliver lost or rejected Mademoiselle in his unwavering ambition for social status. He has moved from the garden-like area of Richmond to the very center of London, exchanging nature for architecture, roses for riches. Mademoiselle, on the other hand, chose a husband of lower status than Oliver. Oliver betrays a touch of regret or loneliness when he reflects that “no one stuck roses in his buttonhole now” (250), which hints at the values he left behind in climbing the social ladder.
Diana is the Duchess of Lambourne’s daughter and one of Oliver’s love interests. She also embodies the status that Oliver dreams of attaining and is part of his never-ending quest for social status. As the daughter of an English Duke, Diana is in a class high above the alley-born Oliver. However, class distinctions were changing at the turn of the 20th century, as the “new money”—including merchants, industrialists, and colonialists—gained wealth and came into contact with the upper classes. Social hierarchies were entrenched and often jealously guarded. Nevertheless, as the nobility often used marriage to obtain or retain wealth and land, it is possible that Oliver’s money is of use to the Duchess’s family, giving him a chance with Diana. The Duchess is aware of Oliver’s romantic interest in Diana and exploits it as a vulnerability when she mentions Diana to persuade Oliver to buy the pearls.
The story does not reveal what Diana thinks of Oliver, or even if he knows her well. This ambiguity leaves readers to question whether Oliver loves Diana for who she is or for her aristocratic status, given the story’s focus on Social Climbing and Class. Regardless, Diana’s name could indicate that his chances with her are slim. Her name links her to the chaste Roman goddess of the hunt, wild animals, and natural places like forests. While Oliver is effectively “hunting” Diana and dreams of being in the woods with her, her namesake implies she will escape him.
By Virginia Woolf
A Haunted House
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A Haunted House and Other Short Stories
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Kew Gardens
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Modern Fiction
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Moments of Being
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Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown
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Mrs. Dalloway
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The Death of the Moth
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The Lady in the Looking Glass
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The Mark on the Wall
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The New Dress
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The Voyage Out
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The Waves
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Three Guineas
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