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Plot Summary

The Crimson Crown

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Plot Summary

The Crimson Crown

Cinda Williams Chima

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2012

Plot Summary

Published in 2012, The Crimson Crown is a young adult fantasy novel by Cinda Williams Chima. Set in the fantasy world of the Queendom of the Fells, The Crimson Crown is the fourth and final book in Chima's Seven Realms series. The story follows teenage Queen Raisa as she tries to keep peace within her own kingdom while simultaneously protecting it from external threats—one of which is the man she has fallen in love with. Chima is the author of several young adult novels, including the Shattered Realm series, which takes place in the same universe.

As the story opens, Raisa ana'Marianna has ascended to the throne of the Grey Wolf Queen. Han Alister has been appointed to the Wizard Council as Raisa's representative. Tensions are high in the queendom between the Wizards and the upland Clans, whose talents with earth magic produce the amulets that Wizards need for their spells. Moreover, neighboring kingdoms see the weakness in the Fells and are hungry to exploit it.

Raisa knows she is expected to marry someone who will be a good political match, providing security for the queendom. In fact, the sooner she marries, the better. Her father wants her to marry the king of nearby Arden, but Raisa has refused his offer. She cannot hope to marry for love, yet she cannot stop wondering if there is a way that it might be acceptable for her to marry Han. However, the Clans and the Wizards hate each other; the Clans will never support a queen who chooses a wizard for a husband.

As Raisa's representative in the Wizard Council, Han knows he has many enemies. At his first meeting, it is revealed that wizards are being murdered in Ragmarket, Han's hometown. The High Wizard, Gaven Bayar, insinuates that Han is the killer. When the meeting adjourns, Han begins his own investigation into the murders.

When they next see each other, Raisa asks Han to run for the position of High Wizard. Though a vote is due to choose a new High Wizard, it has been postponed because of the news of the murders. Raisa believes that if Han held the position, it would help to alleviate a lot of unrest and ensure the councils’ loyalty to her. Han agrees, but he knows it will be an uphill battle.

To help him achieve this goal, Han makes an alliance with Fiona Bayar, Gaven's daughter. In exchange for convincing the wizard council to vote for Han as High Wizard, Fiona demands that Han help her kill Raisa. Han lies, agreeing with her; he is successfully voted the new High Wizard. However, his conversation with Fiona was overheard and is reported back to Raisa. She does not believe that he intends to kill her, but the evidence pointing to Han as the wizard murderer becomes harder to refute. Eventually, he is named as the main suspect.

Han meets with Raisa again, assuring her that he lied to Fiona. He also tells her that his ancestor, Alger Waterlow, the Demon King (whose spirit resides within an amulet and now goes by the name Crow), says that he can lead Han to the legendary wizard arsenal. Crow leads Han to tunnels under the Spirit Mountains, where they are successful in finding the arsenal. However, Han is captured by the Bayars, who torture him in an attempt to learn the location of the arsenal. Han tells them nothing and eventually escapes, killing Gaven in the process.

A revolt breaks out in the queendom. As Raisa is held prisoner in the castle, Micah Bayar, Fiona’s twin brother, slips into the castle and tells Raisa that Han is dead; if she will agree to marry him, he will lead a wizard army against the invaders. However, Han arrives with reinforcements and stops the insurrection.

Later, Raisa is approached by Reid Nightwalker, a powerful Clan warrior. Reid tries to warn Raisa away from Han and to convince her to marry him instead, but Night Bird, Reid's mistress, tells her that Reid is not to be trusted. She also reveals that Reid assassinated Raisa's mother. Furious, Reid sends a note to Raisa, which says it is from Han, telling her to meet him at Ragmarket.

When Raisa arrives, Reid reveals his trap. He is the one who has been killing wizards and framing Han for the murders. Now, he intends to kill Raisa because she will not marry him. Night Bird interferes, allowing Raisa to escape. Reid kills Night Bird, but she uses the last of her strength to fire an arrow into his back, killing him.

Because Averill and Elena, the Clan leaders, are left looking like traitors after the actions of Reid, their adopted son and heir to the Clan leadership, they can no longer oppose the queen choosing a wizard for a husband. Han and Raisa marry soon after.

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