44 pages 1 hour read

Ann Nolan Clark

Secret of the Andes

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1952

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Chapters 9-12Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 9 Summary: “Amauta Comes”

After returning from the journey to the Salt Pits, Cusi struggles to reconcile his memories of the outside world with the reality of life in Hidden Valley. As shearing season arrives, Cusi finds comfort in the hard work of helping Chuto shear the llamas. Together they work tirelessly from dawn to dusk. After shearing, they begin training Misti, Cusi’s black llama, to become a burden-bearer. Cusi is proud and eager to teach Misti, but he quickly discovers that even his trusted companion will resist when overloaded. Misti refuses to carry too much weight and spits in protest when Cusi pushes him too far.

Their routine is suddenly interrupted by the arrival of a powerful, kingly figure who announces himself as Amauta, the wise teacher. Amauta wears golden earplugs, much like Cusi’s, but larger and more impressive. Amauta declares that it is time for Cusi to be trained, as it has been ordered by a higher authority.

Chapter 10 Summary: “A Mission Unshared”

An indeterminate amount of time has passed since Amauta’s departure, leaving Cusi restless and longing for purpose. He had passed the traditional 30-day examination of strength, endurance, and knowledge, earning the Amauta’s approval.