44 pages 1 hour read

Ann Nolan Clark

Secret of the Andes

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1952

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Chapters 5-8Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 5 Summary: “The Steep Trail”

Cusi wakes up early, eager to begin the journey to the Salt Pits. He follows Chuto to the place of the Sunrise Call, where they greet the dawn in a ritual. After the ritual, they return for a quiet breakfast. The minstrel questions whether Chuto truly wants to leave their peaceful, secluded life for the unpredictable world beyond the valley. Chuto explains that he must go, despite his reluctance, due to a past decision that he now regrets.

As they prepare to leave, Chuto packs the essentials for their journey. Cusi is surprised to learn that Chuto has traveled mountain trails before, sparking curiosity about his past. They head toward the steep trail, leaving behind their llamas and the hidden valley. The trail takes them to the edge of a cliff, overlooking rapids below. Above the chasm hangs a swinging bridge made of vine ropes. Cusi is initially terrified at the thought of crossing it, but after watching Chuto make his way across, he finds the courage to follow.

They continue their climb up a narrow ladder made of tied branches, scaling a sheer granite cliff.