31 pages 1 hour read

Beverly Cleary

Muggie Maggie

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1990

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Chapters 4-6Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 4 Summary

Over the following days, Maggie becomes renowned in her school for her refusal to write properly in cursive. While some of her classmates think that she is brave to rebel, others think she is being stupid and childish. While Maggie is concerned that the other kids will think she’s unable to write cursive, she’s too prideful to change her mind and cooperate with the teacher. She insists that she can write cursive; she simply does not want to.

One day, her teacher, Mrs. Leeper, asks the class to practice writing their signatures in cursive. Maggie decides to write her signature following her parents’ style of writing, both of which are slightly incorrect. When Mrs. Leeper corrects her writing and points out that Maggie accidentally spelled her name as “Muggie,” Maggie is very embarrassed. Her classmates give her a new nickname based on her mistake: “Muggie Maggie.”

Chapter 5 Summary

Ms. Madden, Mr. Schultz’s secretary, sends Maggie a new pen as a present. Maggie is happy to receive her gift and loves Ms. Madden since she’s never critical of her. Since Maggie is banned from using the computer, she has to print out her thank you card. Maggie realizes that her printing is not very neat, so she apologizes in the letter, and she feels pleased when she puts the finished letter in her father’s briefcase.