55 pages 1 hour read

Mai Corland

Five Broken Blades

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2024

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Series Context and Setting: The Country of Yusan

As the primary setting of Five Broken Blades, the country of Yusan is inspired by Korean mythology, legends, and culture. Comprised of four counties that were once kingdoms of their own—Umbria to the north, Rahway to the west, Tamneki to the east, and Gain to the south—the country has been ruled by the Baejkin family line for over 1,000 years. During the events of the novel, Yusan is ruled by King Joon Baejkin, a direct descendant of the Dragon Lord who first united the country. Yusan’s landscape is composed of a treacherous mountain range that harbors dangerous creatures like the samrocs, dense forests such as Westward Forest, and one important river, the Sol River, on which citizens travel via riverboats. Yusan is flanked by three other nations: the mysterious country of Wei, the golden country of Khitan, and the lawless country of Fallow. Driven by the efforts of King Theum, Joon’s father and predecessor, and later by Joon’s own thirst for riches, the army of Yusan crossed the Strait of Teeth and colonized the island country of Gaya to lay claim to its production of laoli, an addictive painkilling drug.