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Plot Summary


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Plot Summary


Piers Anthony

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1985

Plot Summary

Executive (1985), a science fiction novel by English-American author Piers Anthony, is the fourth book in the series Bio of a Space Tyrant. It features the return of the series’ antihero, Hope Hubris, a tyrannical dictator who takes over the United States of Jupiter in the distant future of humanity. The impulsive, merciless, and hyper-sexual Hope has made many decisions that make him an enemy of many of his people, causing him to be charged with a number of sexual crimes and crimes against humanity. At the same time, Hope is characterized as valuing justice over all else, making him a morally ambiguous figure. After a series of threats and challenges to his power, Hope goes undercover using the alias of a revolutionary leader to overthrow his own government, hoping to ultimately maintain his rule.

The novel begins shortly after Hope is named to the presidency of the United States of Jupiter. He achieves this by skirting around a series of legal obstacles, thanks to his sister and Congressional expert, Spirit. The story introduces Hope’s wife, Megan, who works far removed from government, relegated there by her husband because he is averse to the complexity of merging business and personal life. Hope replaces President Tocsin, becoming the United States of Jupiter’s first tyrant. He quickly sets out to fix the national budget, under pressure to quell revolts and stop a national collapse. At the same time, he fends off attempts at intimidation from Saturn, which is run by a communist government. He also engages in a number of affairs with his female staff members, who eagerly satisfy his social and erotic needs. Though a Navy member by training and in public persona, these affairs illuminate a hedonistic side to Hope, who goes on a number of dangerous, carefree escapades.

Hope’s main challenge comes in the form of a secret plan developed by Saturn to infiltrate and take control of Ganymede, one of Jupiter’s moons. In taking Ganymede, Saturn hopes to position weapons and intelligence services right in Jupiter’s backyard, putting it at the mercy of their state. Hope responds to this difficult decision by escalating an arms race with Saturn, knowing that it risks the destruction of both planets. With the help of Admiral Khukov, the plan succeeds. Hope makes Khukov the leader of Saturn.

After Hope successfully deescalates the threat from Saturn and begins to calm down the economic and industrial crisis, he starts a new affair with a thirteen-year-old girl named Amber, gifted to him by a grateful Admiral Khukov. He initially finds her to be mentally challenged: she is mute and demonstrates little capacity for thought. However, soon he finds that Amber is a lopsided genius with a special proclivity for understanding language. He decides to use her to spy on people who speak in obscure languages. She gives him a device that visualizes her mind, in order to transmit her perception of their sexual union.

Hope resonates strongly with the machinations of Amber’s mind, and their sexual relationship escalates. Nonetheless, he eventually loses interest, feeling that he has learned all there is to her. This happens just as political turmoil brings him to a decision to create a fake name for himself. Under the identity of “Jose,” he takes a role at the Jupiter Bubble Company, a construction company for futuristic homes. His dual life requires him both to agonize over national issues and deftly execute Jupiter Bubble’s corporate goals. He quickly rises through the ranks and is named President of Jupiter Bubble. As a union leader, he is looked up to as an opposition figure to his alter ego, which he leverages to critique himself. He is so inspiring to his constituents that he is asked to mediate a negotiation between the Tyrant and the Resistance. He arrives at the event and is shocked to learn that his wife Megan has been the leader of the Resistance all along. Hope finds himself unable to continue effectively as Tyrant and Megan seizes leadership. The United States of Jupiter again becomes a democratic state. Executive ends in an inversion of power that stems directly from its antihero’s fatal flaws, suggesting the United States of Jupiter’s potential for existential renewal.

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