73 pages 2 hours read

Laura E. Williams

Behind the Bedroom Wall

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1996

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Important Quotes

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“‘Jew-lover!’ spat the tall, blonde Gestapo officer […] Her Haase slowly rose to his knees, one arm clamped to his side where he had been kicked.”

(Chapter 1, Page 3)

This opening anecdote illustrates the policy of racial hatred that the Nazi regime normalized in Germany; it alludes to the horrific genocide of Jewish people. These horrendous policies were aided by a culture of reporting, in which people—particularly children—were urged to be vigilant and to report suspicious behavior that may indicate treachery. The discovery that Herr Haase has been hiding Jewish people results in his being treated as a disloyal traitor of the country.

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“‘I think it’s just awful,’ Eva whispered, her voice quivering slightly.”

(Chapter 1, Page 4)

Eva’s sympathy for Herr Haase during his beating characterizes her as a compassionate and morally upstanding character—an un-German citizen by Nazi standards. Her presence in the story is a reminder of the existence of dissenting people within Nazi Germany, people who condemned the Nazis’ treatment of Jews as immoral and cruel. It alludes to the Rehmes’ dangerous involvement in the same underground network that Herr Haase belonged to and that led to his arrest.

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“Jews are the enemy! They are the root of all our problems! Without them Germany will be strong!”

(Chapter 1, Page 5)

Rita’s comment as she watches her brother, a Gestapo officer, beating Herr Haase’s beating reveals her point of view throughout the story—that of the strictly patriotic, unquestioningly loyal Hitler Youth. She investigates and reports the family of her best friend, Korinna, for suspected traitorous activities. Her betrayal emphasizes the convincing nature of the regime’s propaganda, which encouraged children to be loyal to the Fatherland above all else.

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“‘We had to paste together too many pages because our teacher told us those pages were no longer accurate. Things are changing so quickly that we need an updated book.’

Her mother squeezed Korinna’s chilly hands. ‘But history doesn’t change,’ she said softly. ‘Just people’s perception of it.’”

(Chapter 1, Page 8)

Korinna’s comment about her class pasting together pages in their old history books illustrates how the Nazi party’s propaganda campaign aimed to change people’s perception of German history—by omitting parts of it and even by actively changing it. This anecdote characterizes Frau Rehme as intelligent and discerning, as well as a dissenter against Nazi ideology. It alludes to her role in the underground network.

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“‘And today we got bundles of new pamphlets to pass out. They’re very nice. They even have the Fuhrer’s picture on the front. Would you like to see them?’

Her father put down his fork with a loud clang. ‘No!’”

(Chapter 1, Page 11)

Korinna’s hero-worship of the Fuhrer is evident, and Herr Rehme’s angry reluctance to see the pamphlets containing biased Nazi propaganda illustrates his opposition to the regime and alludes to his role in the underground network. His reaction indicates that Korinna’s parents are upset by the brainwashing education that she receives at her jungmädel; however, they likely feel that they’ll arouse suspicion if she doesn’t attend.

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“‘But Rita, Elsa’s your cousin! You’re going to turn in your cousin?’ Eva exclaimed.”

(Chapter 2, Page 17)

Eva’s question again reveals her sympathetic and morally upstanding character. On the other hand, Rita’s response displays her as strictly and unquestioningly obedient to the Nazi regime; her loyalty to the Fatherland is more important to her than her loyalty to her cousin, which illustrates the success of Nazi propaganda.

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“‘I am Herr Richt, your new history teacher. Fraulein Meiser will no longer be here.’”

(Chapter 2, Page 18)

Korinna is shocked and upset that her history teacher is gone. If Fraulein Meiser has been arrested, Korinna worries that she may have played a part in her arrest. This incident illustrates the atmosphere of suspicion and reporting that existed in Germany at this time.

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“‘I want a strong and rich Fatherland just like my comrades. But sometimes I honestly wonder if it’s worth it.’

‘Eva!’ Korinna lowered her voice, quickly looking around, but no one was paying them any attention.

‘You mustn’t say things like that! If anyone heard you talking like that you’d be turned in to our jungmädel leaders.’”

(Chapter 2, Page 21)

Eva’s expression of her compunction further establishes her as kind and compassionate. Korinna’s panicked response is a reminder of the recurring theme Trust and Deception; potential reporters were everywhere in Nazi Germany, so people needed to carefully police their comments to avoid suspicion and arrest.

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“She glanced around the small room for her tiny black and white kitten, but she didn’t see her.”

(Chapter 3, Page 25)

The disappearance of Korinna’s kitten hints at another, unknown part of the home. It alludes to Sophie and Rachel’s secret room behind the wardrobe; the kitten plays with Rachel during the day.

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“What he said was always the same: Destroy the enemy, the Jews and the radical intellectuals, and out of the misery they were now in, a stronger and more unified Germany would ascend.”

(Chapter 3, Page 28)

Korinna listens to the Fuhrer’s speech on the radio. The presence of emotive propaganda is evident; it urges German people to believe that supporting Hitler will lead to prosperity and greatness.

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“‘Mother, how can you question the Fuhrer? Someone might report you.’

‘Is that the only reason it’s wrong to question what one man is saying? Fear?’”

(Chapter 3, Page 29)

This anecdote establishes Frau Rehme’s brave dissension. Perceptive and intelligent, she refuses to comply with practices and beliefs out of fear. Her response hints at her role in the underground organization assisting Jewish people.

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“That was no mouse hole—there was something much bigger hiding back there! She had smelled the rank smell of unwashed bodies, and she had seen the pale glow of skin, and the gleam of eyes.”

(Chapter 3, Page 35)

Korinna discovers the secret room hidden behind the wardrobe. Sensing the presence of Sophie and Rachel, she’s terrified. Korinna’s initial feelings toward the Jewish mother and daughter are a result of her adherence to Nazi propaganda; she’s repulsed, angry, and terrified. As she matures, Korinna grows to feel sympathy and compassion for the pair.

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“‘We felt it was best not to involve you. We know how involved you are in your jungmädel. We thought you might…’ Her mother paused and looked at her husband. ‘We thought you might not like the idea.’”

(Chapter 4, Page 42)

When Frau Rehme trails off, the implication is that Korinna’s parents are worried that Korinna might report them. This alludes to the role of children in contributing to the atmosphere of stress and suspicion in Nazi Germany; they were brainwashed into loyalty to the Fatherland above all else.

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“Her parents were traitors. Traitors were shot.”

(Chapter 4, Page 43)

Korinna is conflicted when she discovers that her parents are harboring the Krugmanns. She has been taught to report any un-German behavior, but she loves her parents and dreads them being shot or arrested. She must reluctantly enter into the secret and hide her knowledge from her friends.

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“‘The Krugmanns keep kosher […] Kosher means they have to keep dairy products and meat separately.’

Korinna stared at her mother. ‘That’s stupid!’ she exclaimed.

Frau Rehme set down her wooden spoon with an abrupt snap. ‘People have a right to their beliefs, Korinna.’”

(Chapter 5, Page 53)

As a kind and compassionate person, Frau Rehme passionately believes that people have a right to live freely and to practice their religious or personal beliefs. She bravely risks her own life to shelter the Krugmanns in accordance with these personal convictions. Korinna’s anger demonstrates her immaturity—and the insidious effect of brainwashing propaganda that has taught her to consider Jewish people subhuman and inferior. Her comment illustrates the reason that so much Nazi propaganda targeted children—precisely because their immaturity and the developing thought patterns made them more susceptible to it. The goal was that to easily shape a new generation of unquestioning, potentially lifelong supporters of the regime’s ideology.

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“‘But they’re only Jews!’ Korinna protested.

‘They’re people,’ her mother said.”

(Chapter 5, Page 54)

Korinna has been taught that individuals who don’t belong to the Aryan race are inferior; she’s disgusted that her mother is working to accommodate the needs of Jewish people, as Korinna has learned to consider them inherently inferior.

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“Now she was serving the enemy, waiting on them as if she were a servant or a slave!”

(Chapter 5, Page 54)

The insidious effect of the propaganda on Korinna is evident. She believes that she’s inherently superior to Rachel and Sophie—and that to serve them is a betrayal of the Fatherland. This illustrates the immense conflict facing Korinna as she wrestles with where her loyalty lies.

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“‘And this is the apple tree in our yard. The flowers are pretty, but the apples are sour.’ She made a sour face.

Korinna bit the inside of her lip, stopping her smile just in time.”

(Chapter 5, Page 59)

Korinna’s innate kindness is evident in her reflexive urge to smile at the sweet, young Rachel. Her internal conflict is clear; she has been taught that Jewish people are evil and subhuman, yet Rachel is sweet and likable. This anecdote illustrates the positive effect of spending time with Rachel on Korinna; young Rachel humanizes the Jewish race for Korinna—she can no longer subscribe to Nazi beliefs, which depict them as monstrous and “other.”

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“‘The dress is yours, and this room is yours, and this country is yours. You have everything, Korinna. Rachel has nothing! Is it so terrible that she wants to play with your kitten?’”

(Chapter 6, Page 72)

Korinna’s mother admonishes her for her selfish and uncharitable behavior. This passage again displays Frau Rehme’s kind and compassionate nature. Korinna learns from her mother to act with compassion, despite what she may have learned at her jungmädel. Korinna’s subsequent choice to return the kitten to the secret room to play with Rachel illustrates her growing maturity and compassion, inspired by her mother’s example.

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“‘You are lying to me, Korinna. You can’t fool me. I’ve known you for too long.’”

(Chapter 7, Page 78)

Rita’s suspicion of Korinna is evident. Suspense builds as Rita’s suspicion grows that the Rehme’s are harboring or aiding Jewish people. This comment foreshadows Rita’s role in the violent Gestapo raid.

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“Times were hard, but they’d get better thanks to Adolf Hitler. Wouldn’t they? Abruptly Korinna pushed that little doubt out of her mind.”

(Chapter 8, Page 89)

Doubt enters Korinna’s mind. She used to feel only blind loyalty for the Fuhrer. However, the humiliation of being slapped at the jungmädel, as well as her growing compassion for Sophie and Rachel, leads her to question what she once blindly believed—and illustrates Korinna’s growing maturity.

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“‘My parents are the enemy,’ Rita read out loud. Korinna’s head jerked up. Her hand reached forward to grab the black notebook from Rita’s hands, but she wasn’t quick enough.”

(Chapter 9, Page 97)

Rita discovers Korinna’s sentence in her black book, incriminating her parents. Korinna’s conflicted loyalties are evident in that she chose to write this but then didn’t hand it into her jungmädel leaders. Although Korinna later tears out the page and destroys it, Rita has seen it, confirming her suspicions. This leads to the Gestapo’s violent raid of Korinna’s home, directed by Rita’s brother, Hans.

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“‘Korinna, don’t stop and don’t turn around […] your house is going to be searched tonight.’ She turned around. Eva was gone.”

(Chapter 13, Page 143)

Eva’s status as a morally upstanding and compassionate character is evident in her decision to warn Korinna about the Gestapo raid. This brave and kind choice endangers her own life. Suspense builds that the Krugmanns and the Rehmes are in danger.

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“The Krugmanns have escaped.”

(Chapter 13, Page 144)

The family’s escape before the planned Gestapo raid prompts joy and relief in Korinna, illustrating her transformation from a loyal jungmädel member to a compassionate, independent thinker who condemns the Nazi party for its cruelty.

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“Korinna knew he saw all the pamphlets she had spread around the space, and the clippings she had saved of the Fuhrer she had pinned to the walls.”

(Chapter 14, Page 153)

Korinna’s clever trick buys her family time to escape; Hans has inadequate evidence to arrest the Rehmes after learning that the hidden room is allegedly Korinna’s National Socialist shrine. This alludes to the theme Deception and Trust; Korinna tricks the Gestapo officers, as her parents did, so that the Krugmanns and the Rehmes can escape captivity.