51 pages 1 hour read

Alice McDermott


Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2023

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Part 3Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 3 Summary

Part 3 is a short addendum to Tricia’s letter, which revisits her last days in Vietnam. Shortly before Tricia and Peter leave, Charlene takes Tricia on an impromptu errand with Minh-Linh. The women drive Tricia to a house in a run-down area of Saigon. Inside, Minh-Linh greets a middle-aged woman, whom Tricia assumes to be an old friend. There are several children tending the house, the oldest of which is a tall, serious adolescent girl. The girl brings out a six-month-old baby with a large birthmark, whom Minh-Linh calls “Suzie,” and places her into Tricia’s arms. Charlene tells Tricia, “she’s yours” (302). In tandem with Minh-Linh, she has arranged to have Tricia adopt Suzie for free.

A dazed Tricia exits the house with Charlene, Minh-Linh, and baby Suzie. Charlene drops Tricia off at her house. When Tricia worries about Peter still having months left on his assignment, Charlene coolly informs her that Peter has quit his job and booked Tricia a return ticket without informing her. Tricia is humiliated; in the present, she admits that her humiliation led her to invent an alternative version of events in the earlier portion of her letter.

Tricia spends a happy afternoon with Suzie, bathing and dressing her. She ponders how she is going to introduce Peter to their new daughter, but 10 minutes before his scheduled return, there is a commotion at the gates of the house. Outside, Tricia finds the other children from the house crying out for Suzie, claiming that she is their sister. Minh-Linh is furious and attempts to send them away. Tricia orders her to let them in, using “the harshest words” (311) she has ever used during her entire stay in Saigon.

Minh-Linh warns Tricia that the children aren’t really related to Suzie. She says that no one wants such an “ugly child” and urges Tricia to give Suzie a chance in America. Tricia realizes that Suzie looks well-fed and healthy compared to the thin, dirty children, and wonders whether Charlene arranged to have Suzie fed extra to make her more appealing. She is furious at everyone “who’d set out to do good on [her] behalf” (318). Making up her mind, she hands Suzie back to the oldest girl and gives the children food from her kitchen before sending them away. When Peter arrives shortly afterward, Tricia confronts him about keeping her in the dark.

In the narrative present, Tricia challenges Rainey’s claim that all Charlene’s life amounted to was “inconsequential good.” She points out that neither herself nor Rainey carry Charlene’s unshakable determination to better the world. They prefer “to stay safe: to close…tightly…the circle of [their] affection” (323). She ends her letter by informing Rainey that on the third visit to the leprosarium, Lily chose to stay behind and live with her cousin.

Part 3 Analysis

In the final section of the novel, McDermott returns to Tricia’s narrative to retroactively deliver a plot twist that ties together all of Absolution’s themes: The revelation that Charlene arranged an under-the-table adoption for Tricia. For Tricia, high stakes ride on the decision. Keeping Suzie would allow her to become a mother after all, offering a form of absolution from her perceived failures and welcoming her back into the realm of idealized womanhood. The afternoon Tricia spends with Suzie passes in a haze of delirious happiness as she finally gets to play the role of mother. However, she is aware of an essential wrongness to the situation: Suzie has been fattened up and styled like a doll to appeal to her, hinting at Colonial Legacies and White Saviorism.

Charlene’s organization of the illicit adoption is her clearest display of white saviorism, a result of her sincere desire to help combined with all the ways she fails to understand the situation in Vietnam. She earnestly believes that taking Suzie away from her family and placing her with Tricia will guarantee a better life for the baby, because Tricia is a well-off American woman. Her assumption ignores a myriad of other factors, like the effect of taking a baby away from her family and placing her in an unfamiliar culture. Charlene does not seem to view Suzie as a human being with rights: At best she is a docile recipient of Charlene’s benevolence, at worst a commodity, calling back to Charlene comparing Vietnamese infants to luxury accessories in Part 2. Charlene’s attitude contains subconscious echoes of colonialism in the assumption that she knows what is best for Suzie. Despite Charlene’s folly, Absolution doesn’t explicitly condemn her: She is ultimately portrayed as an exceptional, but still fallible, woman who valiantly tried to fight the “gobbling whirlwind” of the world all her life.

Tricia displays character development in her decision to give Suzie back to her siblings. When faced directly with Suzie’s siblings, the narrative calls back to Tricia’s visit to Charlottesville. Once again, she is offered the choice to turn away from their suffering, a chance at absolution from her personal troubles. Minh-Linh even urges her to send the children away because Suzie will have a better life with her. This time, Tricia chooses not to ignore the children. She makes a sacrifice to allay their pain, extending herself for others in a way that she has not previously done.

Further development is evinced by Tricia’s emotional responses to Charlene and Peter. Tricia has spent almost the entirety of the narrative in subservient positions, allowing stronger personalities to speak over her, playing the quiet sidekick to Charlene and dutiful wife to Peter. Charlene’s manipulations have gone so far as to intervene in Tricia’s future, ostensibly because Charlene believes she knows what is best for her friend. Tricia finally allows herself to feel anger at having her agency taken away, by “those who’d set out to do good on [her] behalf” (318). She is no longer the meek and easily manipulated girl she was at the start of the narrative. Her experiences during the war have matured her into a woman who can stand up for herself and make difficult, self-sacrificing decisions.

As the novel closes, McDermott returns to the theme of Moral Duty and Compromise. Neither woman gets to live out their values exactly the way she imagined. Tricia does not get to be a mother, and even Charlene must return to America, turning her back on the suffering people of Saigon for the sake of keeping her family safe. Both women move on from Vietnam, leaving behind a trail of unanswered questions. Readers are left to ponder whether their actions ultimately caused more good or harm to those they tried to help. In the narrative, as in real life, no easy absolution is offered.