48 pages 1 hour read

Jeanine Cummins

A Rip in Heaven

Nonfiction | Autobiography / Memoir | Adult | Published in 2004

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Chapters 13-AfterwordChapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 13 Summary

Early the next morning, Gray sits in the same room where Tom was interrogated. Gray admits to his role in the rape of the Kerry sisters but denies any knowledge of how the girls fell in the river. The police tape his confession of the rapes. They also have a taped confession from Clemons. Both Gray and Clemons have incriminated Richardson and Winfrey as well.

The Cummins family reluctantly packs up to return to Gaithersburg. A squad car is nearby, as the police have assigned a protective duty to the family after all the bad press. Gene reflects on how much Tom has matured in the last few days. Ginna arrives to say goodbye and to ask the Cummins their advice on songs for the funeral. The kids marvel at Ginna’s ability to be a comforting figure to them even as her own life has been devastated. Ginna remembers that Robin always knew she would die young; she had asked Ginna to have a funeral with bright colors and happy music. The Cummins family leaves, passing over the New Chain of Rocks Bridge, which runs parallel to the old one where Julie and Robin were lost.

Two detectives search the house of Robert Troncalli, a friend of Gray’s, looking for Tom’s stolen watch. They miss the watch, which is stuck deep below the cushion of a recliner, where Gray hid it days ago. Robert’s wife later finds Tom’s stolen watch under the recliner. They call the police. The news articles that morning proclaim that Tom has been cleared and that two new, unnamed suspects have been arrested, but public opinion is still generally against Tom. On the evening news, Gray and Clemons’s names are released publicly, and various friends and neighbors speak well of Clemons, expressing disbelief that he could have committed such a brutal crime.

Back at home in Gaithersburg, the Cummins family adjusts to normal life, with rumors abounding about Tom’s guilt or innocence. Local news has largely focused on the news of Tom’s initial arrest, with little coverage of the arrest of the four real criminals. The family is irritated by a litany of articles alleging police brutality and defending the four criminals, with only passing mentions of Julie and Robin. One headline, for example, reads, “Friends Defend Suspects in Sisters’ Killings: ‘Something Doesn’t Add Up,’ Says Stepfather of One of 2 Charged” (235). These articles present glowing images of Gray and Clemons, even describing Gray’s love of dancing and singing on the Old Chain of Rocks Bridge. Clemons is described as a “good kid” in one article (236).

Three weeks after the murders, a fisherman finds Julie’s body 200 miles downriver from St. Louis. Ginna refuses to hold a funeral until Robin is found, but three weeks later, she is forced to hold the funeral. To date, Robin’s body has still not been recovered. The funeral is crowded with people, and many wear the bright colors that Robin wished for. Bubbles are blown during the service, as she wanted. Scrolls are provided with excerpts from the girls’ poetry proclaiming peace and justice. Julie’s motto, “Give me a place to stand and I will move the world,” is displayed prominently (239).

News about Julie and Robin subsides, while the family’s grief remains. On June 23, 1991, an article states that Gray, Clemons, Richardson, and Winfrey have all been charged with murder, rape, and robbery.

Chapter 14 Summary

In September 1992, over a year later, Tom and Gene meet with prosecutor Nels Moss in a hotel to prepare Tom as a witness in the upcoming trial. While Tom had previously identified each of the four suspects in a lineup, Moss still did not believe Tom’s whole story. They argue about the details of the bridge’s sub-deck. Moss shows him pictures, and Tom recognizes that they have the wrong manhole. Moss states that they need to clean up these details to have a strong case, and he wants to offer Winfrey a deal of life in prison to nail the case against the other three. Though he is upset that Winfrey is being partially excused for his actions, Tom agrees. A few days later, Moss calls Tom to confirm that they found the correct manhole and that all of Tom’s details proved correct. Moss confesses that he had not believed Tom completely until now.

Gray’s trial begins in October 1992. Ginna and others speak as witnesses. While Ginna speaks to the facts of the case, she is unable to express the gaping wound in her life at the loss of her daughters. Winfrey has taken a plea agreement to testify against the other three in exchange for a 30-year sentence. Cummins briefly recounts Winfrey’s history of delinquency, which never became severe until the murders at the bridge. Winfrey is lucky to have been offered the plea deal.

The next day Tom is scheduled to testify in court. He is extremely nervous and requests that his family be absent from the courtroom during his testimony. In the witness stand Tom watches Gray’s “blasé” and “uninterested” expression (254). His nervousness evaporates, replaced by his hatred for Gray. His testimony lasts over four hours, and he is too confident to be intimidated by the defense attorney.

Days later, Winfrey testifies in the trial, explaining in brutal detail what he and his companions did. He has previously apologized to his victims, appearing “genuinely regretful” (256). Yet the family is horrified to hear the terrible details of how he held Julie down while she was raped, and they cannot bring themselves to forgive him.

Gray testifies five days later. He adamantly denies any part in the crimes. He cries when he describes his treatment by the police. Under cross-examination, he admits to joking about killing the girls but insists it was a joke. He challenges the prosecuting attorney at every turn, only serving to make himself look more guilty.

The case concludes, and Gray is found guilty on all counts. Afterward, the penalty phase of the trial is emotionally brutal, with Julie and Robin’s friends and loved ones testifying as to the loss they have incurred. Friends and loved ones of Gray also testify on his behalf, but on the stand, Gray’s girlfriend admits that he hit her. Gray is sentenced to death.

Three months later, Tom testifies at Clemons’s trial. The defense attorney casts every detail of the case in doubt, but it only irritates the jury, who find Clemons guilty on all counts. Despite this, public sympathy has been high for Clemons, whose family has been extremely, publicly articulate about their son’s innocence and good nature. The jury is unmoved, however, and sentences Clemons to death.

Richardson rejects a plea offer in his trial due to the influence of an activist named Bob Williams, who insists that the trials and convictions have been racially motivated. His organization, the Coalition for Justice, stages protests outside the courtroom. Cummins provides the text of their flyer, rife with typos and grammatical errors. At the trial, Richardson mouths a threat to the daughter of Ron Whitehorn while she is on the witness stand. This trial is more of a circus than the others, but Richardson is ultimately sentenced to death row with Gray and Clemons.

Chapter 15 Summary

Later, Tom attends a criminal justice program at the University of Maryland, and he also settles a lawsuit with the city of St. Louis for eliciting his false confession. Tom wants to become a prosecutor like Nels Moss. Kay has, in the intervening years since the murders, become a prominent activist in the field of crime victims’ rights. She has helped establish new local and state laws to help crime victims.

Tom and Tink return to St. Louis seven years later to testify at Winfrey’s parole hearing. They visit the Old Chain of Rocks Bridge, which has been converted into a state park, with manicured paths and a visitor’s center. Families walk across the bridge together. While the poem has largely been erased, Julie’s initial “J,” her peace symbol, and parts of the poem are still legible. The siblings visit their cousins’ shared gravestone, cry, and speak to their lost cousins.

At the parole hearing, Tom imparts to the judge that Winfrey was not a good kid in a bad situation, that he is instead a double murderer who has served only seven years in prison. Tink recounts to the judge how Julie inspired her to be a writer, explaining that Julie’s loss has immense ramifications to many people. Other members of the family testify as well. Winfrey is denied parole.

In 2000 Tom is invited to participate in a documentary about Richardson for Court TV. Skeptical, Tom agrees to fly to New York to meet with the producers. They tell Tom the purpose of the documentary is to explore the widespread impact one violent event can have. They provide unclear answers as to why they are focusing on Richardson. Tom and Tink agree to be in the documentary.

In 2001 Tom is notified that Richardson is scheduled to be executed in four weeks. One night, a week before the execution, Tink happens to see Richardson on The Ricki Lake Show. On the show Richardson apologizes to the Kerry family, but he also denies any involvement in the crimes. He accuses Tom of perjury, and Ricki Lake paints Richardson in a sympathetic light. He complains about his life in prison, and Tink screams in frustration in her home.

The same week, Richardson’s lawyer instigates a successful media campaign against Richardson’s execution. Students at Julie’s university protest on Richardson’s behalf, and even Julie’s beloved Amnesty International advocates for Richardson, breaking the heart of the family. Tink writes a letter to the local, regional, and national presidents of the organization. To her surprise, all three write back to her with “empathetic responses,” consoling her somewhat (284). The New York Times prints an editorial that argues against the death penalty in Richardson’s case, arguing that it “diminish[es] ourselves” and continues the “cycle of death” (285). Such articles and media are full of factual inaccuracies about the case and focus little to no attention on Julie or Robin, or the fact that they never had the chance to debate for their own lives. Cummins corrects some of these inaccuracies in turn, painting a grim picture of Richardson and his upbringing.

One local article from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch misnames Ginna Kerry as Ginna Richardson. As recompense, the article’s author conducts an interview with Tink and publishes a front-page article imparting the family’s justified rage at the Ricki Lake interview. The newspaper also prints three letters to the editor from Tink, Nels Moss, and one of Julie’s uncles. This is the first backlash to the media storm that Richardson’s lawyer has begun. Tink becomes the voice for the family, which has previously been quiet due to a justified distrust of the media, their personal grief, and a desire to preserve their privacy.

Tom, Kay, and Tom’s Aunt Jacquie prepare to go to Potosi State Penitentiary to witness Richardson’s execution. Kay and Jacquie only go to provide moral support to Tom. The execution is temporarily stayed by the Eighth Circuit Court before being put back on by the US Supreme Court. Then, before the execution, the Supreme Court temporarily stays the execution again, based on Richardson’s baseless argument that he is mentally retarded. The emotional catastrophe is exacerbated when Tom, Kay, and Jacquie are mobbed by news reporters and film crews on their way out of the penitentiary.

As Tom flies back home, he reflects on why he wants to be present for the execution but finds no clear answers. He realizes that the single reason he has to attend is his hope that, in his last moments, Richardson will admit his guilt and honestly apologize. Tom wants to be present to forgive him. Tom lets go of these “unrealistic hopes” (294).

When the Court TV documentary airs, it includes none of the footage of the Cummins family. Instead, it focuses only on Richardson, painting him in a sympathetic light. It celebrates Richardson’s stay of execution. Tom is the only member of the family who is not bothered. He moves on. He lets go of his guilt and anxiety over how others see him. He finally, purely grieves for Robin and Julie.

Afterword Summary

Cummins notes that society is fascinated with murder and violent crime but that we forget about the victims. She writes, “The dead can’t tell their own stories” (298). The action after the crime lies with the murderer, not with the families and friends of the victims. Cummins explains that she has written this book to “change the reality that Julie and Robin’s rightful place in our collective memory is being usurped by the very thugs who killed them” (298). Cummins notes that she has experienced fear and questioned her right to tell this story, but ultimately she wants to memorialize Julie and Robin and who they were as people.

Cummins describes her personal struggle with the issue of capital punishment. She says that she does not desire their deaths, nor does she hold any mercy for them. The fact that they are on death row has only instigated sympathy for them, sympathy they would not have if they were serving life sentences instead. It allows these criminals to act like victims.

Chapter 13-Afterword Analysis

The theme that victims should not be forgotten is developed most thoroughly in these chapters. In Chapter 13 the funeral for Julie and Robin is, as Robin foresaw, a celebration of their lives. In a fitting tribute, the funeral is largely full of bright colors, blowing bubbles, and readings of the girls’ poetry. Cummins provides excerpts from several of Julie’s poems in these chapters, which again emphasizes that victims should not be ignored or forgotten. Unlike so many other true-crime stories, the book deliberately eulogizes Julie and Robin and imparts to the reader the beautiful people that they were. Likewise, the book does not focus the majority of its narrative attention on the murderers, but instead stresses the lives that were lost in the victims. Such passages provide strong emotional pathos for the reader as well.

The memorial for Julie and Robin is continued in Chapter 14 as Cummins recounts the events of the trials. Again, even at the trials, Cummins devotes more attention to remembering Julie and Robin than she does to the murderers. She quotes Julie’s poetry during her description of the trials, even providing the poem from the Old Chain of Rocks Bridge in full. While such memorializing of Julie and Robin is characteristic of these chapters, Cummins also writes a brief passage about how her younger self, Tink, is unable to write everything that Julie and Robin meant to her. This serves as a meta commentary on the book itself, acknowledging that it is impossible to properly memorialize Julie and Robin. Their deaths are simply permanent losses that are impossible to completely characterize.

As Chapter 13 opens, Gray incriminates his three compatriots, just as they have already incriminated him. This moment operates to reaffirm the strength of the Cummins and Kerry families, who are characterized by unity. As such, this scene further develops the theme of the power of family to overcome tragedy. The theme is continued as Ginna comforts Tom, Tink, and Kathy, even as her own world has collapsed. Further developing this theme, the Cummins become more somber, and life becomes somewhat grim as they return to Gaithersburg, away from the comfort of their extended family. Rumors based on all the erroneous media coverage of Tom’s arrest provides a difficult, uncomfortable atmosphere for the family, and the unity from their copresence is missed.

The injustice in media representation continues as positive articles defending the murderers come out, while many people still think Tom is guilty based on the initial media attention. Tom’s stigma is just one injustice as a result of the misleading and inaccurate media reporting. Another is that Julie and Robin are largely forgotten, especially in the later media reports, as more attention is focused on the murderers, who begin to be portrayed as victims. While this alone is unjust enough, such reporting only prolongs and exacerbates the suffering of the victims’ families. Cummins’s emphasis on the media in these last three chapters thus intersects two themes: injustice in media representation and the fact that victims are often forgotten in media reporting of violent crime.

Chapter 14 also pushes back against the arguments that Clemons and Richardson were innocent, good people being tried due to racial motivations. Cummins points out that while Clemons and Richardson are described as being oppressed working-class people, the Cummins and Kerry families are also working-class people who were harassed and harmed, even while being the actual victims. It is important to note that, since the publication of the book, Clemons’s sentences were overturned in 2015. However, in 2017 Clemons accepted a plea deal for multiple life sentences as the prosecution in his new trial levied DNA evidence against him (Patrick, Robert, and Joel Currier. “Reginald Clemons Pleads Guilty to Murder in Old Chain of Rocks Bridge Case.” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 19 Dec. 2017.)

In the Afterword, Cummins cements the notion that the book is intended primarily to be a memorial to Julie and Robin. Finally, while the issue of capital punishment is not a theme that is explored throughout the book, Cummins does address her thoughts on it, which are quite nuanced. While she does not make an explicit statement, she does suggest that she is against capital punishment, primarily because it has legal and media ramifications that allow the criminals to continue to torture their victim’s families. It also allows them to act like victims themselves. Both these issues are seldom discussed in debates on capital punishment.

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