111 pages 3 hours read

Robin Roe

A List of Cages

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2017

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Answer Key

Chapters 1-12

Reading Check

1. His teachers and classmates ostracize him. His principal is mad he is late, his teacher is angry she must change his attendance mark, and Kristin, his classmate, rejects him when he is asked to join a group. (Chapter 1)

2. His deceased parents’ belongings (Chapter 1)

3. Adam is Julian’s former foster brother. (Chapter 2)

4. Adam’s family didn’t want him, so he was removed from their care. (Chapter 6)

5. Adam has been asked to escort Julian to Dr. Whitlock’s office. (Chapter 8)

6. A switch (Chapter 9)

7. At his secret place in the attic of the theatre (Chapter 12)

Short Answer

1.  He is afraid the pathway from his brain to his mouth is damaged, he believes Russell will kick him out if he doesn’t go to classes, and he worries about his clothing. There are some possible justifications for Julian’s fears because Russell tells Julian he is not smart and that his classmates do not want to work with him, and Russell is cruel and abrasive. (Various Chapters)

2. Adam describes Julian as formerly being naturally cheerful, always singing and making jokes. Now Julian is avoidant of many situations and is not able to make decisions. He is also often nervous with his stomach tied into knots and unsure of whether to build relationships or not. (Various Chapters)

3. Julian uses these books to transport himself to a different place when he has anxiety. It is his way of escaping reality.

Chapters 13-26

Reading Check

1. Adam’s usual question about whether anything happened today (Chapter 13)

2. Attend a concert (Chapter 17)

3. Emerald (Various Chapters)

4. It is a nice house, but Julian never has anything nice to wear. (Chapter 20)

5. 20 dollars (Chapter 25)

6. He is afraid Russell will come home; Julian is not allowed to have visitors. (Chapter 26)

Short Answer

1. Adam’s friends support him when something is wrong, and his mother advocates for him when she believes Adam is being mistreated. In contrast, Russell does not protect or advocate for Julian, and Julian does not have friends to support him when something goes wrong. (Various Chapters)

2. It illustrates their acceptance of Julian and their desire to help him become better. (Chapter 21)

Chapters 27-39

Reading Check

1. Brett is an imaginary boyfriend created by Emerald to make Adam jealous. (Chapter 29)

2. They visit Julian’s childhood home. (Chapter 30)

3. It is her dead son’s birthday. (Chapter 32)

4. Because Emerald tells Adam that Julian doesn’t want him to and that the abuse may get worse if he calls (Chapter 35)

5. His kindness (Chapter 37)

6. Adam rehearses Julian’s lines with him. (Chapter 39)

Short Answer

1. He believes Russell must pay for him to live in the house and that he, Julian, is difficult to deal with. (Various Chapters)

2. Charlie, although he doesn’t typically like Julian, asks Ms. Cross if Julian can have his part in the play again. Charlie may feel bad for criticizing Julian so harshly after he realizes he was being bullied on the bus. Charlie may have also softened after Julian asks him why he is unhappy. (Chapter 39)

Chapters 40-54

Reading Check

1. Russell tells Julian to get into the trunk or he will have to leave Russell’s care. (Chapter 42)

2. He withdraws Julian from classes and tells the school Julian is living with his aunt. (Chapter 44)

3. Adam breaks into the house and finds the trunk with Julian inside. (Chapter 47)

4. Because Carter’s mother plans to become Julian’s guardian (Chapter 50)

5. When Julian was in foster care, he learned from Adam to think happy thoughts when he was distressed. Adam is sad because a superhero could not save Julian from his emotional trauma. (Chapter 51)

Short Answer

1. He feels hopeless after days in the box and does not see a way out of his present situation or any good to be had in it. (Chapter 46)

2. Russell frequently indicates that Julian is dumb, inconvenient, and rebellious. He demands Julian’s behavior toward Russell be subservient and physically abuses Julian when he makes simple mistakes or casual comments. (Various Chapters)

Chapters 55-72

Reading Check

1. He feels she prevented him from making the call to protect Julian and that she is somewhat at fault for what happened to Julian. (Chapter 57)

2. Carter tells Julian his mother may lose custody of Julian if he is truant. (Chapter 58)

3. He had life insurance policies from Julian’s parents. (Chapter 61)

4. His fears—the fear of talking, the fear of crying, the fear of wanting, and the fear of dreaming (Chapter 62)

5. Videos of Russell abusing Julian (Chapter 64)

6. Julian follows him everywhere. (Chapter 66)

7. He is shot by Charlie accidentally. (Chapter 69)

8. There are too many to see all at once with ten million stars. (Chapter 72)

Short Answer

1. Because of his abuse, he wants to be as little trouble to Adam’s family as possible. (Various Chapters)

2. Adam isn’t as positive as he used to be. His friendships are more distant, and he is having trouble coping with Julian’s experiences. (Various Chapters)